
LUMA 社区指南

在 Mission Bay 社区有许多活动可以参与,没有谁比 LUMA 酒店规划得更好!以下是人们最喜欢的一些景点和资源,可帮助您探索这片地区。选择目的地,告知您的计划:我们非常乐意帮助您完成这一切!Mission Bay 拥有世界一流的市政和文化设施,包括著名的加州大学旧金山分校医疗中心、旧金山巨人队(甲骨文公园)以及金州勇士队(大通中心)的壮观主场。

Mission Bay 是旧金山最安全的社区之一,大多数升级设施都是在过去 20 年内建造的。这里拥有三座精心维护的公园,位于 Mission Creek 沿线, Mission Creek 是沿着 Creek 到 Bay 的一条可爱步行道,这里还有 40 英亩公园系统内的一座大型遛狗狗公园。(查看更多) 

这里还有全新的中央地铁, 设 Mission Rock 车站,这条地铁贯穿整个社区,并将社区与会议中心、联合广场、唐人街无缝连接。旧金山 LUMA 酒店距离 加州列车 火车站仅几步之遥,可以让您从旧金山沿着半岛到达 Gilroy


LUMA 非常方便出行多条 旧金山交通局 非常方便出行多条旧金山交通局交通线路,这些路线为前往旧金山其他地区提供便捷的交通。中央地铁全新 T 线(就在酒店门前发车)可以让您直接穿过市中心直达唐人街。 加州列车 加州列车火车站距离 LUMA 仅需 5 分钟步行路程,将乘客与整个半岛和南湾的商业中心连接起来。如果想乘船旅行,LUMA 还可以将帮您联系 旧金山湾渡轮

Mission Rock 站距离:0.1 英里  步行路线


甲骨文公园是湾区的固定设施,是美国最独特的棒球公园之一。这座公园是旧金山巨人队的主场,位于旧金山湾沿岸,经常有船只漂浮在 "McCovey Cove",希望能从水中捞出本垒打球。这里距离 LUMA 酒店仅有几步之遥,住在酒店内可以观赏公园内的景致,酒店推出了 比赛日特别优惠 —LUMA 是棒球迷的理想住宿之地。

距离:0.2 英里  步行路线


顶尖的大通中心是金州勇士队主场,同时也是世界级音乐会的举办地,位于 Mission Bay 海滨,交通便利。毗邻的社区聚会空间 Thrive Center 是一块美丽的露天空间,全年为家庭、粉丝、游客提供便利设施,还有各种节日活动、农贸市场、餐饮体验、社区活动。千万不要错过当地最受欢迎的 Gott's Roadside、Dumpling Time、Harmonic Brewing、Philz Coffee 等餐饮打卡地,以及 Tyler Florence 的新宠 Miller & Lux。

距离:0.5 英里   步行路线

Mission Bay 餐饮

Mission Bay 餐饮延续了令人难忘的旧金山餐饮潮流!前往附近的任意餐馆、啤酒店、美食餐车、咖啡店,品尝一下! Spark Social 是一处充满活力的永久性美食餐车聚集地,这里有着充满趣味的融合和国际美食。 New Belgium Taproom 供应世界一流的各种啤酒和全球风味的美食。

Spark Social 距离:0.4 英里步行路线     

New Belgium Taproom 距离:282 英尺  步行路线 

加州大学旧金山分校 Benioff 夫儿童医院

加州大学旧金山分校医疗中心一直被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为全美最好的儿童医院之一。这几家医院拥有来自 50 多个医学专业的数百名医生,几乎涵盖了所有儿科疾病,包括癌症、心脏病、神经系统疾病、创伤性损伤、器官移植、危重新生儿护理方面的专业知识。每年,数以万计的儿童从美国和世界各地来到加州大学旧金山分校儿童医院接受治疗。

距离:0.7 英里    步行路线

Mission Bay 的公园

Mission Bay 到处都是绿地!Mission Creek 公园是一座田园诗般、绿树成荫的系统公园,由设有休闲区 Mission 小溪、可供遛狗 Channel 街遛狗公园、Mission Bay 儿童公园排列组成,是一座以水源、探索和发现为中心的独一无二的公园。完工后,Mission Bay 公园系统将包括 40 英亩的规划开放空间。

Mission Creek 公园 距离:0.2 英里  步行路线

Channel 街遛狗公园 距离:0.3 英里  步行路线

Mission Bay 儿童公园 距离:0.3 英里  步行路线

Stagecoach Greens Mini Golf

The City’s only outdoor mini golf course is a unique way to preview all of SF's sights, learn its unique history and experience SF culture and locals-only humor. Participate in the story of Boom & Bust in the West and the brave people who came here seeking gold. This one-of-a-kind 18-hole course was created by 150+ local artists, each bringing their own talents and points of view in support of a single vision and story. Don't miss the SF-themed selfie opportunities to capture the moment!

Distance: 0.3 miles  WALKING DIRECTIONS

Mission Bay Creek and Waterfront

The Mission Creek boat launch is located in Mission Creek Park, around the corner from LUMA Hotel. The area gives paddlers a chance to enjoy the protected waters of Mission Creek, paddle to the nearby McCovey Cove outside the San Francisco Giant’s ballpark, or rest and picnic in the park as they tour the San Francisco waterfront.

Distance: 0.6 miles  WALKING DIRECTIONS

SpinOut Fitness

SpinOut is the West Coast's only Waterbike Fitness and Experience Center. Whether you are visiting for 1 day or for 1 month, they have a program for everyone. Their 90-minute Scenic Ride is a great way to start your new favorite obsession and a fun way to see the Bay in a whole new way. 

Distance: 0.7 miles  WALKING DIRECTIONS

Salesforce Park & Transit Center

Salesforce Tower changed the San Francisco skyline; its silhouette can't be missed! Beneath it, the new, multi-story San Francisco transit center is a landmark that transforms a commuter hub into an urban destination. With interiors open to the light, it’s a sociable, open space for people to gather, topped by a breathtaking leafy park where the sky is the roof.

Distance: 1.4 miles  TRANSIT DIRECTIONS 

Catch the #15 Bayview Hunters Point Express North Train at Mission Rock Station - 24-minute ride

Moscone Center

San Francisco's premier meeting and exhibition facility is situated on two adjacent 11-acre blocks bounded by Mission, Folsom, 3rd and 4th Streets. The center is within convenient walking distance of many businesses, transit centers, and hotels - including LUMA! It completed a 4 year, $551-million expansion project in 2019.

Distance: 1.0 miles  TRANSIT DIRECTIONS 

Catch the #30 North Train at Mission Rock Station - 17-minute ride

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA)

The 170,000 sq ft San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is one of the largest museums of modern and contemporary art in the United States and a thriving cultural center for the Bay Area. Our remarkable collection of painting, sculpture, photography, architecture, design, and media arts, is housed in a LEED Gold-certified building designed by the global architects Snøhetta and Mario Botta. In addition to seven gallery floors, SFMOMA offers 45,000 square feet of free, art-filled public space open to all.

Distance: 1.0 miles 


Catch the #15 North Train at Mission Rock Station - 18-minute ride

SF Embarcadero

Comprised of the eastern waterfront along the San Francisco Bay, it begins at 2nd and King Streets near Oracle Park, passes under the Bay Bridge, and continues north passing the famous Cupid's Span sculpture, Ferry Building, the Exploratorium Museum, Pier 39, and Fisherman's Wharf, ending at Pier 45. 

Distance: 2.0 miles  WALKING ROUTE

Ferry Building

One of San Francisco’s most famous landmarks, this world-class public food market creates an indoor street within the historic Ferry Building. Located at the foot of Market Street on the waterfront, with its dramatic clock tower, the market is an SF icon. Bring your appetite! 

Distance: 1.7 miles  WALKING DIRECTIONS

Dogpatch Paddle

Paddling the San Francisco Bay is an epic outdoor adventure. Dogpatch Paddle offers paddle board and kayak rentals and lessons from the calm waters of Crane Cove Park, just a few minutes south of LUMA. They have everything you need for an adventure on the Bay. Guides can teach newcomers the basics or help experienced paddlers refine their techniques to build confidence and safety. Once on the Bay, expect to encounter stunning views of the city and wildlife, including seals, sea lions, cormorants, giant herons, pelicans & more.

Distance: 0.8 miles  WALKING DIRECTIONS
